The driving license is a challenge that we have to face.
Many people manage to overcome it easily and others find the experience more difficult.
As a general rule, it is the practical part that is usually the hardest to overcome, either because of nerves or difficulty.
The theoretical part is usually easier for everyone, but it can still be a major obstacle if we do not pay enough attention to it.
We propose you some tricks to pass the theoretical driving test ( so that you can advance without major problems.
Today, however, we are going to see some tricks to pass the practical driving test.
So that you can pass this test as soon as possible and in the most efficient way.
It is important that you face it with confidence and trusting in everything you have learned in the classes.
To do this, you must have the best possible preparation.
At Marbesula Driving School we have the best professionals who will help you to get your driving license easily and quickly.
Book your practical classes with us( and get down to work.
Keep calm and concentrate on driving.
One of the main handicaps that we must overcome when taking the practical driving license test is nerves.
The practical test is a situation in which keeping calm becomes more complicated than usual and we must make an effort to do so.
It is very important that we manage to control our nervousness, that we are not overcome by the situation and that we can concentrate on driving, on the movement of the car on the road.
If we manage to do so, we will have a good chance of being able to demonstrate that we know how to drive and circulate correctly and pass the test without any doubts.
To drive well you have to do it with tranquility and security, for this you must keep calm and not get carried away by nerves.
Try to abstract yourself and do not think that you are in an exam, think that you are driving just as you have done the previous days in the classes with your teacher and you managed to do it well and calmly.
Respect traffic signs and road markings.
When you drive you must be very attentive to everything on the road.
Traffic lights, traffic signs and road markings guide us and tell us how we should go on the road.
This is very important in the exam, respecting the signs and markings is an important way to show the examiner that we know what we are doing.
We must be especially careful with some signs, skipping a traffic light, a stop sign or a yield sign, can be fatal to our goal of passing the exam.
If we focus on driving and the characteristics of the road, we will be able to respect the signs with the same tranquility that we do during our practical classes.
Attention to maneuvers
Pay close attention when performing the different maneuvers with the vehicle.
Take the curves well, focus when overtaking, do not leave any step undone when performing any maneuver with the test car.
Always perform maneuvers in order, first check if you can perform the maneuver, leaning on the mirrors, signal correctly so that other vehicles notice your maneuver and perform the maneuver with care and attention.
Be very careful at traffic circles, give way whenever necessary and take it easy.
You should also be calm when parking, if you are asked to do so.
Focus on the maneuver and do it step by step, as you have learned it, do not pretend to go faster than you know.
Above all you must keep your driving fluid, do not notice any abruptness in the gear changes, do not stick to the cars in front of you, go calmly and concentrated, you will get the driving to flow and the maneuvers will go out all correctly.
You should not be afraid of the examiner.
Like anyone else, he can have a better or worse day, but he has nothing personal against you and, for sure, he will evaluate your exam in a professional and objective way.
Ask him if you have doubts or if you have not understood what he has asked you, do not hesitate and talk to him with confidence and tranquility, he is there to make it as easy as possible for you to focus on driving.
If you skip any indication, do not worry and continue, he will tell you something new.
The examiner expects you to miss something, but try not to miss it too often and try to follow the instructions correctly.